Olympia Hills Application

What is Olympia Hills?

Olympia Hills is the name chosen by the developer for a parcel of land located at approximately 6300-8500 West and 14000-13100 South in the southwest portion of unincorporated Salt Lake County. The developer, Olympia Land LLC, is requesting approval for a rezone of approximately 933 acres from A-2 (Agriculture) to P-C (Planned Community).

The proposed development, which would be built out over 25 years, is planned to include a mix of residential types, commercial and office uses, a 100-acre Utah State University Extension project, as well as parks, trails and open space.


Why is Salt Lake County required to respond to the development application?

The proposed Olympia Hills development falls within unincorporated Salt Lake County. Therefore, the County has land use authority over the parcel and is required to respond to the development application. It’s also important to remember that the landowner has rights to apply for land use approval — just like other landowners who continue to develop their properties in the Southwest communities.

Council Resolution LetterDesign StandardsDevelopment ProcessFAQsLand Use MapMaster Development AgreementMaster Development Agreement 02-20-2020Olymipa Hills Council Presentation 01-07-2020Olymipa Hills Council Presentation 01-14-2020Southwest General Plan AmendmentStaff ReportStaff Report 02-20-2020Traffic Impact InfographicTraffic Impact StudyTraffic Impact Study Addendum

Olympia Hills Application Timeline

The original application for the Olympia Hills development was heard and approved by the Salt Lake County Council on June 5, 2018. After hearing concerns from southwest residents, Mayor Ben McAdams vetoed the three ordinances related to approving the application on June 20, 2018.

In response, the County Council conducted a series of Growth Summits to better understand the concerns raised by the residents about the original application. The Council heard from experts in numerous areas, including transportation, education, housing, economic development and environmental quality. The Council then passed Resolution 5577 stating findings of fact related to the veto and establishing parameters for how Salt Lake County would process a revised application.

Olympia Land LLC submitted a revised application on July 2, 2019. Mayor Wilson directed Salt Lake County Planning and Development Services and other County staff to review the application, address public concerns and comply with the County Council Resolution.

As part of the review, Salt Lake County hired third-party experts in the areas of transportation and land use (to be reimbursed by the developer pursuant to County ordinances) to provide an independent review of the Olympia Hills revised application. The consultants have worked with County planning staff to review traffic impacts and mitigation, design standards, regional compatibility, sustainability, parks, trails, open space and affordable housing.

Development Process

What is the County doing to preserve quality of life in the Southwest portion of the County?

Salt Lake County is utilizing thoughtful planning tools and regulatory oversite to ensure that quality of life is maintained in all areas of the County.

While population growth and responding development is a reality, Salt Lake County favors thoughtful planning over sprawl and is using strategic planning tools and regulatory oversite to ensure that the Olympia Hills project aligns with the community vision.

Here’s an overview of how the County is addressing the Olympia Hills proposal:

Planned Community Zone

The developer’s revised application for a Planned Community zone (rather than the current A1 zone) allows for greater County regulation of the project through specific Design Standards and a Master Transportation Plan.

What is a Planned Community?
A Planned Community Zone is intended for large master-planned community developments. It allows for larger communities to be well planned and to include features such as parks, open space and traffic mitigation. Developers submit Community Structure Plans at each phase of development; this allows for ongoing opportunities for public input.
Design Standards

The County has developed specific “Design Standards” to include a system of parks, trails and open space, walkable communities through street connectivity, affordable housing, building and site design, energy efficiency requirements and water conservation.

One example of how the Design Standards will be implemented is the County’s requirement of the developer to dedicate at least 20 percent of the acreage to open space and parks. The development must include a 50-acre regional park, four 10-acre community parks and a park at least ¼ mile from every doorstep.

Click here to read Design Standards
Click here to see Land Use Map

Traffic Impact Study

The PC Zone also requires Olympia Hills to study future traffic impacts and develop and implement a Master Transportation Plan.
The County is requiring the developer to construct all traffic improvements within the planned community and pay their proportionate share of the cost for traffic improvements outside of the planned community.

Click here to view the Traffic Impact Infographic

Click here to view the Traffic Impact Study

Click here to view the Traffic Impact Study Addendum

TIS Appendix A

TIS Appendix B

TIS Appendix C

TIS Appendix D

TIS Appendix E

TIS Appendix F

Master Development Agreement

The Design Standards and Master Transportation Plan will be enforced through the Master Development Agreement, which is the contract between the Developer and the County.
Staff Report
Master Development Agreement
Staff Report 02-20-2020
Master Development Agreement 02-20-2020

What are the specifics of the Olympia Hills revised proposal?

Olympia Hills will provide additional detail as to how they will address the requirements in the Master Development Agreement as each community structure phase is implemented. Here are a few of the initial facts required by the County:

Number of housing units reduced from 8,765 to 6,330

Mix of housing types and options, including both affordable and market rate housing

Minimum of 20 percent for parks, trails and open space

Required transportation improvements both within and outside of the development area

How can I provide input?

Salt Lake County wants your feedback. We welcome you to review the documents on this page. You may leave your comments below and/or attend one of the public hearings.

Public Hearing
January 14, 2020
6 p.m.

County Government Center North Building, N1100
2001 S. State St., Salt Lake City

Public Hearing
January 28, 2020
6 p.m.

Copper Mountain Middle School
12106 S. Anthem Park Blvd (5600 W), Herriman